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Sunday, 19 February 2012

Scatterlings- A Tapestry of Afri-Expat Tales

Scatterlings- A Tapestry of 
Afri-Expat Tales >>>>>>

Are you a story teller, a poet, a lyricist or a collector of fine recipes with a traditional flavour from Africa ?

Are you a 'scatterling' who lives abroad - an Afri-Expat (or refugee) who misses your African footprint, has adapted elsewhere, but still has little pulls in your heart ? - Pulls for the wide open spaces, the veld and vleis, the koppies and bergs, the rivers and seashores of Africa... the wildlife, the ethnic art, clicking voices and places...? Are some of these memories forever entrenched in your soul ? 

Then you may be someone who would like to share a snippet of your expat story; a page or two, a poem or a recipe for my book in the making - "Scatterlings - A Tapestry of Afri-Expat Tales... " 
I am still seeking people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, religious affiliations and (most) mind sets, who grew up or saw Africa as home, and now live elsewhere in the world... the more scattered the better - who'd like their voice heard in my book.... the cut off date for submissions in around the end of April  ! So do get those type writers clicking away>>>

Kindly email me at > eve.epiphany@gmail.com

Photo- Scotch Macaskill

Eve - published freelance writer and psychologist, who is a South African Expat. (Saffer)

Painted by -Idalet Pauw.

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